Hais txog 2023, qhov no yog peb cov lus teb
Saib rov qab rau xyoo 2023
Nws yog ib lub xyoo txawv tshaj plaw
Nws tseem yog 25th hnub tseem ceeb ntawm International Famous Furniture (Dongguan) Exhibition.
hnub no
Peb sawv ntawm qhov kawg ntawm 2023 thiab saib rov qab
Ua raws li cov footsteps ntawm nto moo rooj tog exhibition
Saib rov qab rau xyoo dhau los
Cov rooj tog nto moo txhua xyoo
Nrhiav rau pem hauv ntej rau 2024, tshooj tshiab
01Thawj zaug hauv lub tebchaws
"World-class rooj tog kev lag luam pawg" av nyob rau hauv Dongguan
World-class rooj tog kev lag luam pawg
Tso tawm official
Thaum Lub Peb Hlis 15, 2023, ntawm qhov qhib ceremony ntawm 49th International Famous Furniture (Dongguan) Exhibition, lub teb chaws thawj "lub ntiaj teb no-class rooj tog kev lag luam pawg" tau officially launched. Lub Nroog Dongguan Tsoom Fwv Teb Chaws Tsoom Fwv Teb Chaws thiab Tuam Tshoj Furniture Association yuav tsom mus rau lub ntiaj teb "kev lag luam kev lag luam" peev, "pawg ua qauv qhia" peev, "kev lag luam nthuav tawm" peev, "kev tswj ntse" peev, "tsim innovation" peev, thiab "kev hla ciam teb. peev". Lub rau lub hom phiaj ntawm "Lub nroog ntawm E-lag luam" yog koom tes los tsim ib tug qauv ntawm lub ntiaj teb no advanced manufacturing thiab tsim ib tug innovation highland nrog lub ntiaj teb no ua qauv qhia.

Ntiaj teb Furniture Industry Cluster Conference
Nyob rau lub yim hli ntuj ntawm tib lub xyoo, thawj lub ntiaj teb Furniture Industry Cluster Conference tau qhib grandly qhib nyob rau hauv Houjie Town, Dongguan. Nrog lub ntsiab lus ntawm "Sib koom txhawb kev koom tes thiab tsim lub neej yav tom ntej ua ke", lub rooj sib tham tau coj cov neeg sawv cev ntawm cov rooj tog zoo thiab cov neeg tseem ceeb hauv kev lag luam los ntawm 51 lub teb chaws thoob ntiaj teb los qhia cov kev paub dhau los thiab sib tham txog tiam sis, ua ke qhia txog lub zeem muag ntawm cov rooj tog zaum hauv ntiaj teb. kev lag luam pawg, thiab tsim thawj lub ntiaj teb rooj tog kev lag luam pawg. Muab piv txwv thiab cov lus qhia.

02 Chasing lub teeb ntawm txoj kev khiav ntawm txoj kev
Lub 49th International Famous Furniture (Dongguan) Exhibition
Los ntawm Lub Peb Hlis 15 txog rau 19th, 2023, 49th International Famous Furniture (Dongguan) Exhibition tau ua tiav. Raws li "thawj lub rooj sib tham ntawm lub xyoo rau Tuam Tshoj cov rooj tog kev lag luam" tom qab kev sib kis tau zoo, Lub Rooj Sab Laj Zoo Tshaj Plaws tau muab "cov qhab nia siab" Daim ntawv teb ". Tsis tsuas yog muaj qhov ntsuas ntawm qhov kev nthuav qhia rov qab mus rau qhov ua ntej muaj kev sib kis, Cov khoom lag luam zoo siab rau kev koom nrog hauv kev nthuav qhia, thiab lawv cov koob meej tau dhau qhov kev cia siab ntawm qhov kev nthuav qhia muaj lub ntsiab lus ntawm "Chasing the Light".

2023 Dongguan International Design Week
Los ntawm Lub Yim Hli 18 txog 21, 2023, 2023 Dongguan International Design Week & 50th International Famous Furniture (Dongguan) Fair tau ua tiav. Qhov kev nthuav qhia no coincides nrog rau 25th hnub tseem ceeb ntawm lub npe nrov rooj tog exhibition. Nrog lub ntsiab lus ntawm "Khiav", nws hu rau txhua tus tswv tsev kom tswj tus cwj pwm thiab lub xeev ntawm "khiav" thiab tawm mus rau txhua qhov kom tau raws li cov kev hloov pauv yav tom ntej hauv kev lag luam. Nyob rau tib lub sijhawm, qhov kev nthuav qhia no paub txog "cov rooj tog sib txawv · Ua hauv Dongguan" los ntawm ob qhov kev xav ntawm kev tsim thiab tsim, nthuav tawm ntau lub neej yav tom ntej "txoj kev" hauv kev lag luam khoom vaj khoom tsev.

0325 xyoosKhiav ua ke, mus rau yav tom ntej
Xyoo 2023, International Famous Furniture (Dongguan) Fair yuav ua kev zoo siab rau nws 25 xyoos. Hauv 25 xyoo dhau los, thaj chaw nthuav tawm ntawm Famous Furniture Fair tau loj hlob los ntawm 40,000 square metres mus rau ntau dua 700,000 square metres, los ntawm ib pab pawg ntawm 30,000 txog 40,000 tus neeg tuaj xyuas kev tshaj lij mus rau cov ntaub ntawv ntawm ntau dua 600,000 tus neeg tuaj xyuas, thiab tau loj hlob los ntawm ib leeg. rooj tog ncaj ncees rau ib qho kev nthuav qhia thiab kev lag luam kev koom ua ke nrog thoob ntiaj teb lub koob npe nrov. Kev lag luam loj heev. Kuj tseem muaj cov tuam txhab hnub qub suav tsis txheeb thiab cov neeg tseem ceeb hauv kev lag luam uas tau ua lawv lub cim ntawm Famous Furniture Fair. Los ntawm kev tsim kho tshiab thiab kev tsim, lawv tau dhau los ua cov pob txha ntawm Tuam Tshoj rooj tog kev lag luam, thiab tau nkag mus rau theem thoob ntiaj teb, ua rau lub hom phiaj thiab kev coj noj coj ua ntawm lub tebchaws sab hnub tuaj zoo.

04 Ntiaj teb no ID · Dongguan tsaws khiav txoj kev npaj
2023 Dongguan International Design Week thiab Inspirers koom ua ke npaj lub IP kem "Dongguan Running Plan", nrog rau kev sib tham tob nrog cov neeg tsim qauv thiab cov thawj tswj hwm, siv 8 qhov tshwj xeeb thiab cov ncauj lus kom ntxaws ntxaws los kho qhov pib ntawm kev tsim thiab kev tsim khoom rau cov khoom tsim nrog cov kev pab ntawm Dongguan cov kws txawj craftsmen Qhov txuas txuas ntxiv mus rau kev ua tiav.

Meng Lin, co-founder ntawm IAID Infinite Kev Tsim Kho: Hauv Dongguan, nws nrawm heev los siv qee yam. Qhov kev ceev thiab kev ua tau zoo no yog qhov tsis sib xws hauv Beijing.

Feng Zhifeng, tus tsim, tus thawj tswj hwm thiab tus tsim qauv ntawm RITO: Kuv vam tias Dongguan tuaj yeem siv lub platform zoo rau yav tom ntej los txhawb kev sib txuas lus thiab kev sib raug zoo ntawm cov neeg muaj tswv yim hauv tag nrho Greater Bay Area, thiab tshawb nrhiav ntau hom kev tsim kho tshiab nyob rau hauv high- kev lag luam kev sib pauv ceev. txoj kev.

Wen Chao, tus tsim ntawm JSD Tsim: Dongguan yog lub nroog nrog cov cwj pwm thoob ntiaj teb. Kuv vam tias txhua tus tuaj yeem nkag siab txog lwm sab ntawm Dongguan thiab nws cov chaw tsim khoom, thiab qhia cov noob tshiab ntawm Dongguan rau lub ntiaj teb.

Los ntawm cov xwm txheej zoo ntawm cov neeg tsim qauv thiab cov tuam txhab khoom vaj tsev, saib seb Dongguan nyiam lub ntiaj teb cov khoom vaj khoom tsev zoo tshaj plaws rau cov neeg sawv cev, cov neeg tsim khoom, thiab cov npe, thiab leverages "Made in Dongguan" los tsim cov nqi mus sij hawm ntev thiab qhov tseem ceeb rau ntau cov neeg siv khoom tshiab thiab Suav. cov tuam txhab. Ua kom tiav tag nrho qhov txuas ntawm kev ua tiav ntawm kev tsim thiab kev tsim kho.

National Roadshow
Bay Area mus ncig, CityWalk
Nyob rau hauv xyoo tas los no, kev lag luam khoom vaj khoom tsev tau pom tias muaj kev lag luam poob qis. Kev lag luam rooj tog yuav tsum ceev nrooj tshawb nrhiav txoj hauv kev ntawm kev hloov pauv thiab kev txhim kho kom muaj kev ntseeg siab, sib sau ua ke rau kev sov siab, thiab ua kom muaj txiaj ntsig sib luag thiab yeej-yeej tau. Nyob rau hauv cov xwm txheej zoo li no, 2023 Lub Rooj Sib Tham Famous Organizing Committee tau hu xov tooj hu, ua kev nthuav qhia hauv nroog hauv nroog, mus rau cov chaw tsim khoom siv rooj tog loj thiab cov neeg siv khoom lag luam thoob plaws lub teb chaws rau kev tshuaj xyuas ntawm qhov chaw, mus xyuas cov khw muag khoom hauv tsev thiab cov koom haum sib txuas, nqa. tawm kev sib pauv, thiab sib tham txog cov ncauj lus tshiab hauv kev txhim kho kev lag luam.
Creativity · Tsim · Kev Lag Luam Sib Tham Private Session
Thiab 2023 Famous Furniture National City Tour · Chaw nres tsheb Shenzhen
Thaum Lub Ob Hlis 23, 2023, "Creativity · Tsim · Kev Sib Tham Kev Lag Luam Kev Lag Luam Kev Sib Tham thiab 2023 Famous Furniture Exhibition National City Tour · Shenzhen Station" tau tuav los ntawm International Famous Furniture (Dongguan) Exhibition, thiab koom tes los ntawm Huaying Club thiab NetEase Home Club. Furnishing Successfully tuav. Qhov kev tshwm sim tau tsom mus rau kev sib tsoo ntawm cov tswv yim nyob ib puag ncig kev sib raug zoo ntawm "kev lag luam thiab kev tsim kho, kev ua lag luam thiab kev siv, kev tsim thiab tsim, tsim thiab tsim khoom". Nyob rau ntawm qhov kev tshwm sim, cov neeg tsim khoom hauv nroog cov neeg tseem ceeb, cov thawj coj hauv kev lag luam thiab tsim cov qhua tuaj koom ua ke los sib koom tsim kev tsim thiab kev lag luam hauv tsev. Cov ncauj lus muaj feem cuam tshuam, sib txuas cov qauv tsim thiab hom, thiab sib koom ua ke tshawb nrhiav cov lus qhia tshiab hauv kev tsim vaj tsev yav tom ntej.

Taug kev mus rau lub caij nplooj ntoos hlav
Designer Caij nplooj ntoos hlav noj hmo Banquet
Thaum Lub Ob Hlis 27, 2023, "Kev Taug Kev Mus Rau Lub Caij Nplooj Ntoos Hlav"-2023 Designers Spring Dinner Banquet tau npaj thiab tsim los ntawm Famous Furniture Exhibition thiab Guangdong Furniture Art Association tau ua tiav ntawm Guangzhou N.W Roofing Art Center, thiab 2023 Famous Furniture Exhibition tau tuav tib lub sijhawm. National nroog ncig saib · Guangzhou chaw nres tsheb event. Ntau tus tsim kev lag luam thiab cov xov xwm tau raug caw tuaj koom lub rooj sib tham los tham txog kev txhim kho yav tom ntej ntawm kev lag luam.

2023 DDW Bay Area Ncig Saib
Txhawm rau kom muaj kev sib raug zoo ntawm kev tsim qauv hauv lub tebchaws thiab cov peev txheej kev lag luam, ua rau kev lag luam hauv nroog sib cuam tshuam ntau dua, thiab tso cai rau kev tsim thiab kev lag luam kom muaj kev sib koom ua ke thiab sib koom ua ke, Dongguan International Design Week tau pib "2023 DDW Bay Area Tour" txij lub Tsib Hlis 17th. Txog rau Lub Xya Hli 6th, tsom mus rau Bay Area City raws li cov ntsiab lus, nws tau nkag mus tob rau hauv 15 lub nroog thoob plaws lub tebchaws, siv ob txoj kev ntawm "tsim + kev ua lag luam" nyob rau tib lub sijhawm, sib txuas cov khoom lag luam Dongguan, Dongguan mov saw thiab Dongguan hom, hauv- qhov tob mus ntsib cov khw muag khoom loj hauv tsev thiab cov voj voog tsim hauv txhua lub nroog, thiab tau mus xyuas cov tsev tsim qauv hauv zos, cov koom haum, thiab cov khw muag khoom kom nkag siab txog lub hauv paus kev coj noj coj ua hauv cheeb tsam thiab kev tsim ntxim nyiam, thiab tshawb nrhiav cov qauv tshiab hauv thawj kab kev lag luam khoom vaj khoom tsev.

2023 Citywalk
Famous Furniture National Internet Action
2023 yuav yog 25 xyoo ntawm kev sib tw yeej-yeej kev koom tes ntawm Famous Furniture Fair thiab cov tuam txhab lag luam, thiab nws tseem yuav yog 25 xyoo ntawm kev pom kev hloov pauv sai hauv kev lag luam khoom vaj khoom tsev. Txij Lub Kaum Hli mus txog Lub Kaum Ob Hlis 2023, Pawg Neeg Ua Haujlwm Zoo Tshaj Plaws tau tshaj tawm "2023 Lub Nroog Taug Kev - Kev Ua Haujlwm Hauv Tebchaws Hauv Tebchaws" thiab koom nrog pawg mus rau Ningjin hauv Shandong, Wuji hauv Hebei, Nanjing, Suzhou, Shanghai, Fuzhou hauv Fujian, Xianyou, Wuhan, Changsha, Ua rau ntawm qhov chaw mus ntsib thiab tshuaj xyuas hauv cov rooj tog zaum tseem ceeb thiab cov neeg siv khoom lag luam xws li Chengdu; coj Dongguan rooj tog hom kom nkag siab cov ntaub ntawv thawj kab hauv lub teb chaws channel kev lag luam thiab kawm los ntawm kev tswj cov tub lag luam zoo heev; nquag txuas cov khw muag khoom hauv lub tebchaws, sib tham nrog cov tub lag luam, tsim cov kev lag luam tshiab rau kev koom tes, thiab nthuav tawm lub zog ntawm Dongguan hom, hais lus rau Dongguan rooj tog kev lag luam thiab ntxiv dag zog rau Dongguan rooj tog ua lag luam daim npav.

ua yeeb yam ntawm lub xyoo
2023 Tuam Tshoj Furniture Sellers Txhua Xyoo Ceremony
Thiab 49th Famous Furniture Exhibition Txais tos noj hmo
Nyob rau yav tsaus ntuj ntawm Lub Peb Hlis 14, 2023 Tuam Tshoj Furniture Sellers Txhua Xyoo Ceremony thiab 49th International Famous Furniture (Dongguan) Ncaj Ncees Zoo Siab Txais Tos Xyoo tau ua tiav hauv Houjie, Dongguan. Ntau tus neeg sawv cev tseem ceeb los ntawm ntau lub koom haum kev lag luam, khw muag khoom, khw muag khoom, xov xwm, thiab lwm yam tau sib sau ua ke los ua pov thawj lub sijhawm tseem ceeb ntawm kev lag luam khoom vaj khoom tsev. Raws li lub hauv paus ntsiab lus rau kev lag luam, Lub Famous Furniture Fair koom tes nrog txhua qhov kev lag luam, tsim thiab cov neeg siv khoom lag luam los pib txoj kev taug kev tshiab lub teeb thiab txuas ntxiv txhawb kev sib koom ua ke ntawm kev lag luam khoom vaj tsev loj.

Tshiab tsim kev paub thiab kev lag luam yav tom ntej
2023 Golden Wing Award Ceremony

Nws yog lub luag haujlwm ntawm Jinyi khoom plig, khoom plig khoom vaj khoom tsev hauv tsev, xaiv cov khoom tsim tshiab thiab cov khoom muaj txiaj ntsig zoo tshaj plaws hauv Suav teb. Txhua xyoo Jinyi Awards tshwm sim kov lub siab ntawm cov neeg hauv tsev neeg. Lub 2023 Jinyi Award muab kev txhim kho ntawm lub sijhawm thiab kev coj noj coj ua ntawm kev lag luam, nrog lub ntsiab lus ntawm "Tsim lub neej yav tom ntej ntawm Kev Paub Txog Kev Lag Luam Tshiab", ntiav cov kws tshaj lij, thiab dhau los ntawm cov txheej txheem nruj xws li kev xaiv ua ntej, kev tshuaj xyuas ntawm qhov chaw, thiab kev tshuaj xyuas zaum kawg. , los ntawm qhov sib txawv xws li qhov zoo, qhov chaw, xaiv cov khoom siv, thiab tsim. Kev tshuaj xyuas nruj yog ua los xaiv cov khoom plig loj. Thaum kawg, lub hom Mousse Envy yeej Jinyi Supreme Award; Hu Tao, tus thawj coj tsim qauv ntawm Yixi Design Office, yeej Golden Wing Supreme Designer Award.

2023 Dongguan International Design Week
"Creator's Night" txhua xyoo tsim ua koob tsheej
Lub Yim Hli 18, 2023 Dongguan International Design Week "Hmo ntuj ntawm Cov Neeg Tsim" tau ua tiav. Qhov kev tshwm sim "Tsim + Lub Tsev Loj" tau tshaj tawm, sib sau cov neeg tsim qauv, cov koom haum kev lag luam, cov koom haum tshaj lij, cov koom haum xov xwm thiab lwm tus qhua los ntawm ntau dua 40 lub xeev thiab nroog thoob plaws lub tebchaws los koom ua ke tawm cov nthwv dej tshiab ntawm kev lag luam-khoom siv kev koom ua ke hauv Dongguan ! Nyob rau lub sijhawm ntawd, Dongguan International Design Week National Design Tour yuav raug nthuav tawm thiab lub rooj sib tham thib ob ntawm Dongguan Sab Hauv Architectural Design Industry Association yuav muaj. Dongguan International Design Week txhawb kev qhib siab, kev sib koom ua ke, thiab kev tsim kho tshiab, thiab txhawb nqa cov tuam txhab lag luam kom koom tes nrog kev tsim qauv thiab tsim kev sib koom tes tsim qauv.

txoj kev ua neej tshiab
Tus naj npawb ib trendy player
Los ntawm Lub Peb Hlis 15 txog rau 19th, 2023, tus naj npawb ib tus neeg nyiam nyiam yuav txais tos version 2.0 - qhov kev nthuav dav "tsev" hnub npau suav tshwj xeeb, ua rau txhua tus mus rau qhov kev tshawb nrhiav sab nraud ntawm cov khoom vaj tsev x tsim x trendy art. Liang Xiwen, tus kws tsim qauv Hong Kong paub zoo thiab tus tsim ntawm JLa Design Group, ua tus thawj saib xyuas, koom tes nrog kev kos duab thiab kev coj noj coj ua hauv tsev thiab sab nraum lub voj voog, IP cov kws ua yeeb yam, cov neeg tsim qauv, thiab cov duab kos duab sib txawv. los tshawb txog tib neeg txoj kev ua neej tshiab nyob rau yav tom ntej Eastern ntsiab lus nyob rau hauv ntau txoj kev.

Trendy sab nraum zoov camping lub neej exhibition
Dongguan yog thawj "Suav Fashion City" thiab tseem yog lub teb chaws nto moo "Furniture City". Lub 2023 Dongguan International Design Lub Limtiam sib sau ua ke hauv tsev zam, kev tshoov siab, kev muaj tswv yim thiab tsim qauv los teeb tsa lub ntsiab lus sab nraum zoov mus pw hav zoov thawj zaug. Kev tshawb nrhiav hla ciam teb yooj yim heev. "Trendy" muaj "interesting" ntau haiv neeg txoj kev ua neej.

Muaj ntau lub tuam txhab IP uas paub zoo tshaj plaws ntawm cov khoom lag luam - ToyCity, Dingdong Xyooj, Mingpu, Mengbao, thiab lwm yam. Lub ntsiab lus tseem ceeb ntawm lub tsev nthuav qhia tag nrho ua ke nrog sab nraum zoov thiab chaw pw hav zoov scenes los muab cov neeg siv khoom nrog kev paub dhau los los ntawm kev tsim tsim. Kuj tseem muaj nyob rau ntawm qhov chaw Muaj kas fes thiab chaw so, rhuav tshem cov ciam teb ntawm sab nraum zoov thiab zam, coj koj qhov kev paub tsis tau muaj dua tshiab "kev ua si nyiam" tshiab.

Nroog idealist
Lub "Lub Nroog Lub Tsev Zoo Tshaj Plaws" 2023 Nyob Qhov Chaw Tsim Nyog Tshwj Xeeb Exhibition tau ua tiav ntawm 2023 Dongguan International Design Week. Lub rooj nthuav qhia tsom mus rau IP ntawm kev tsim vaj tsev nyob hauv nroog rau cov tub ntxhais hluas. Los ntawm peb tshooj loj: kev pom, kev xyaum thiab kev xav, peb nkag mus rau lub ntiaj teb zoo tshaj plaws ntawm "tsev" ntawm cov tub ntxhais hluas, hnov lub plawv thiab xav tau ntawm tib neeg, thiab sib koom ua ke tshawb nrhiav kev txhais tshiab ntawm qhov chaw nyob hauv nroog. thiab xav txog yav tom ntej.

Mansion · Habitat
Joint Exhibition of Home Space Trends
Lub Tsev Loj · Habitat - Lub Tsev Qhov Chaw Trends Joint Exhibition yog npaj thiab pib los ntawm Dongguan International Design Week, Walkingmedia, thiab A&D. Nws muab kev koom tes nrog thoob ntiaj teb thiab thoob ntiaj teb cov khoom lag luam muaj tswv yim xws li Bino Luxury, TISSVICA, W LUXURY, thiab WH Rooj Tog los tsim kom muaj kev sib tw ua thawj coj, kev kos duab muaj tswv yim nthuav tawm uas txhawb nqa thiab tso cai rau tib neeg xav txog sab nraum lub voj voog.

Lub ntsiab exhibition yog sib cais los ntawm landscaping ntsiab ntawm ancient Suav architecture, visually tsim ib tug nkag siab ntawm spatial kev txiav txim thiab ritual nrog oriental artistic conception thiab humanistic sentiments, faib txawv exhibition chaw, thiab ntxiv me ntsis ntawm "lub vaj ncig saib" rau lub exhibition. Tsis txaus siab. Los ntawm kev sib koom ua ke lub zog tsim ntawm ntau tus neeg tsim qauv, txhua tus tuaj yeem nrhiav kev sib raug zoo ntawm lub teeb thiab duab ntxoov ntxoo thiab cov kev sib txuas ntawm cov khoom hauv qhov chaw nthuav tawm lub ntsiab lus, hnov ntxhiab ntau txheej txheej, thiab tshawb nrhiav kev lom zem thiab cua.

Thaum Lub Peb Hlis 15-19, 2024, 51st International Famous Furniture (Dongguan) Exhibition yuav teeb tsa lub ntsiab lus tshiab IP exhibition-International Outdoor Culture thiab Tourism Furniture Exhibition, nyob rau hauv Hall 1, ib qho ntawm cov chaw tseem ceeb, npog peb lub ntsiab lus tseem ceeb. : Lub tsev teev ntuj kab lis kev cai, kev coj noj coj ua kev lis kev cai thiab B&B chaw pw hav zoov sab nraum zoov, thiab qhov chaw zoo nkauj ntawm cov menyuam yaus nthuav tawm lub neej tshiab tshaj plaws nyob rau lub sijhawm tam sim no.
Tuam Tshoj-Ltalis Tsev Tsim Kev Koom Tes thiab Kev Sib Tham Sib Tham
Thaum Lub Peb Hlis 15, 2023, kev sib pauv thiab kev sib tham saum toj kawg nkaus tau tshwm sim ntawm 49th Famous Furniture Exhibition, uas tau los ua qhov pib ntawm Tuam Tshoj × Ltalis kev koom tes hauv tsev tsim. Luciano Galimberti, Tus Thawj Coj ntawm Italian Industrial Design Association thiab Tus Thawj Coj ntawm ADI Tsim Tsev khaws puav pheej, Matteo O, Ingaramo, Tus Thawj Coj / Tus Thawj Coj ntawm POLI.design Tsev Kawm Ntawv ntawm Kev Tsim Qauv ntawm Politecnico di Milano, Davide Crippa, Secretary General ntawm Italian Space Designers Association , thiab qee tus neeg tsim qauv hauv tebchaws Ltalis tau mus xyuas ntawm qhov chaw tshwm sim, peb tau sib tham txog kev tsim kho tshiab hauv tsev nrog cov thawj coj los ntawm Tuam Tshoj Furniture Association, Dongguan Municipal Bureau of Industry thiab Information Technology, Houjie Town Government, cov koom haum cov rooj tog nto moo, thiab cov neeg sawv cev ntawm kev koom tes. cov khoom lag luam, thiab sib tham txog cov teeb meem kev koom tes yav tom ntej los koom ua ke tsim lub tsev tsim ntiaj teb.

International ua lag luam delegation mus ntsib
Nrog rau kev rov qab los ntawm kev lag luam thoob ntiaj teb, kev lag luam thoob ntiaj teb tau nce ntawm qhov nrawm nrawm. Raws li kev nthuav qhia thiab kev lag luam platform nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb-chav rooj tog kev lag luam pawg, Famous Furniture, Dongguan International Design Week thiab Famous Furniture Club nquag ua lag luam thoob ntiaj teb kev sib pauv, txhawb kev koom ua ke ntawm Suav thiab txawv teb chaws cov peev txheej, thiab sib sib zog nqus Sino-tawm txawv teb chaws muaj kev koom tes. Txij thaum Lub Xya Hli 4 txog rau Lub Xya Hli 7, 2023, Lub Tuam Txhab Kev Lag Luam ntawm Consulate General ntawm Qaib Cov Txwv hauv Guangzhou thiab Pakistan Furniture Manufacturers Association tau raug caw tuaj xyuas Houjie los ua kev soj ntsuam kev lag luam thiab kev sib pauv mus ntsib, thiab tau ua tiav kev kos npe rau daim ntawv cog lus kev koom tes.

Dongguan rooj tog soj ntsuam
Los ntawm Lub Yim Hli 17 txog 18, 2023, cov neeg sawv cev ntawm cov qhua txawv teb chaws tuaj xyuas Dongguan International Design Week, thiab mus rau Nanxing Equipment, Senyuan Furniture, Mousse Co., Ltd. thiab lwm lub lag luam rau kev tshuaj xyuas thiab kev sib pauv.

Txij li thaum nws pib, International Famous Furniture (Dongguan) Exhibition tau dhau los ua ib qho kev tshwm sim tseem ceeb hauv kev lag luam rooj tog thoob ntiaj teb. Txhua xyoo, qhov kev nthuav qhia tau nyiam ntau tus kws tshaj lij xws li cov khoom siv rooj tog, cov tub lag luam hauv tsev thiab txawv teb chaws, cov tsev tsim qauv thiab cov neeg tsim qauv los ntawm thoob plaws lub ntiaj teb tuaj xyuas thiab sib tham. Kev cuam tshuam thoob ntiaj teb thiab kev nyiam ntawm kev nthuav qhia tau raug txhim kho zoo, muab cov neeg tuaj koom nrog lub platform kom muaj txiaj ntsig zoo nrog kev lag luam rooj tog thoob ntiaj teb, thiab txhawb kev sib txuas thiab kev lag luam kev koom tes nrog lub ntiaj teb rooj tog kev lag luam saw.
Txij lub Kaum Ib Hlis 26th txog rau 30th, 2023, Famous Furniture Exhibition tau mus xyuas CIDEX 2023 International Architectural Decoration thiab Interior Design Exhibition hauv Dammam, Saudi Arabia; Thaum lub sijhawm, nws tau raug caw los ntawm cov rooj tog zaum hauv zos thiab cov khoom siv hauv tsev hauv Jeddah, Saudi Arabia los ua kev sib koom thiab kev sib pauv. Txij thaum Lub Kaum Ob Hlis 4 txog rau 5th, kuv tau mus rau Dubai, United Arab Emirates mus xyuas Dubai Cov Khoom Siv Hauv Tsev Exhibition BIG5.

Tam sim no, Famous Furniture Fair koom tes nrog Pakistan Manufacturers Association, Singapore Furniture Association, Malaysian Furniture Federation, India Trade Promotion Association, Commercial Office ntawm Turkish Embassy thiab Consulate nyob rau hauv Guangzhou, Commercial Office ntawm Pakistani Consulate nyob rau hauv Guangzhou, Philippine Trade thiab Investment Center hauv Guangzhou, Spain Lub Chaw Haujlwm Kev Lag Luam thiab Kev Lag Luam hauv Guangzhou thiab Indonesia's DYANDRA PROMOSINDO tau pib sib tham txog kev koom tes thiab koom tes caw cov neeg yuav khoom thoob ntiaj teb rau Wanlai.
Tsis tas li ntawd, Famous Furniture Fair yuav raug tshaj tawm txawv teb chaws los ntawm txhua txoj hauv kev, suav nrog kev tshaj xov xwm, luv luv video platform, nthuav qhia platform, xov xwm hauv tsev, tsim xov xwm, International Furniture Association, chaw ua lag luam ntawm thoob ntiaj teb embassies thiab consulates, International Furniture Fair, domestic txawv teb chaws. Chambers of commerce, txawv teb chaws businessmen Investment enterprise koom haum, official lag luam platforms, thiab lwm yam. ua thoob ntiaj teb diversified txhawb kev caw.
DDC Lub Npe + Chaw Pabcuam Designer
Qhov nce ntawm kev lag luam thiab kev lag luam kev pabcuam platform uas sib koom ua ke tsim thiab kev lag luam
Kev vam khom ntawm cov peev txheej kev lag luam hauv "lub ntiaj teb-chav rooj tog kev lag luam pawg", peb koom tes nrog Famous Furniture Exhibition thiab Famous Furniture Expo Park Exhibition thiab Trade Platform kom loj hlob raws. DDC Lub Npe + Lub Chaw Pabcuam Tsim Nyog yog qhov kev txhawb nqa lub platform rau "tsim-tsav kev lag luam kev koom ua ke". Los ntawm kev tsim kho hauv online platform + kev ua haujlwm offline, peb sib sib zog nqus cov tsim qauv, khoom vaj khoom tsev hauv tsev lag luam chains, cov koom haum nthuav tawm, kev lag luam xov xwm thiab lwm lub platform los txhawb kev lag luam thiab kev lag luam kev koom tes ntawm cov khoom vaj khoom tsev thiab tsim kev lag luam thiab ua tiav kev sib koom ua ke ntawm cov khoom siv hauv tsev thiab tsim kev lag luam.
Txij li thaum nws tsim nyob rau hauv 2021, lub platform tau txuas cov peev txheej ntawm cov neeg tsim qauv, cov neeg muag khoom, thiab cov neeg siv khoom los txhawb kev tshaj tawm, kev sib koom ua ke, thiab kev hloov pauv ntawm cov ntaub ntawv kev lag luam, thiab paub txog kev sib tw ntawm ntau pua tus neeg tsim qauv xaiv cov khoom xav tau thiab cov ntaub ntawv tag nrho. kev koom ua ke xav tau.
Cov ntsiab lus curation ntawm "Dazhai Works Exhibition" "Nruab nrab ntawm ib nti Square"
Ua kom zoo dua ntawm 49th Famous Furniture Exhibition thiab Dongguan International Design Lub Limtiam, peb yuav txuas cov neeg tsim qauv zoo thiab cov khoom siv hauv tsev los koom ua ke npaj ib qho 860-square-meter ntsiab exhibition ntawm "Dazhai Works Exhibition". Los ntawm kev ua haujlwm exhibition raws li tus neeg nqa khoom, peb yuav muab qhov chaw, tib neeg thiab Peb qhov tseem ceeb ntawm kev kos duab thiab kos duab tau txuas nrog hauv series los ua ke los ua ib qho qauv ntawm lub tsev loj.

"Nruab nrab Square Inches" yog lwm tus IP curation kem coj los ntawm DDC. Ntawm 50th Famous Furniture Exhibition, 6 square inches tau nthuav tawm los ntawm "art showcase + situational space" los nthuav qhia "Qhov chaw zoo nkauj ntawm "ib kaum ntawm lub tsev" tshawb txog lub neej tshiab.

Kev tshawb fawb thiab kev sib pauv "Lub Nroog Co-Creation Plan" thiab "Michelin Research
DDC tseem tab tom npaj thiab ua tiav "City Co-Creation Plan" thoob plaws lub xyoo, tsom mus rau Bay Area, sab hnub tuaj Guangdong, thiab sab hnub poob Guangdong, mus saib ntau lub nroog kev lag luam koom haum thiab cov chaw tsim khoom rooj tog hauv zos kom sib koom ua lag luam sib txawv; Lub Yim Hli, DDC tau koom tes nrog Guangdong Province Decoration kev lag luam koom haum los ntawm thoob plaws lub teb chaws tau siv "Txhua Kev Zoo Nkauj, Sib Koom Kev Zoo Nkauj" ntawm qhov kev nthuav qhia. Lub 2023 Friendship Party ntawm Kev Kho Kom Zoo Nkauj Kev Lag Luam Kev Koom Tes Ua Haujlwm los ntawm thoob plaws lub xeev Guangdong; Thaum lub Kaum Ib Hlis, lawv tau raug caw tuaj koom rau hauv "2023 Plaub CIID Design Festival" thiab tau pib ua ib qho kev sib tw hauv cheeb tsam, Hla-kev lag luam thiab ntau lub kaum sab xis tsim kev sib pauv kev kawm paub txog kev sib koom ua ke ntawm kev lag luam, tsim, nroog thiab kev lag luam.

Nyob rau hauv lub quarter thib plaub ntawm tib lub xyoo, DDC thiab Yaju Life Media tau koom ua ib lub hli DDC Michelin kawm ncig xyuas, nrog rau ntau cov ntsiab lus ntawm "kev tshawb nrhiav, kev tshawb fawb, kev sib tham, thiab kev tshawb fawb" kom nkag mus tob rau hauv cov khoom siv hauv tsev nto moo. tuam txhab uas muag thiab tsom mus rau kev lag luam tsim Lub tswv yim tshiab rau kev txhim kho kev sib koom ua ke. Txog tam sim no, 5 qhov xwm txheej tau ua tiav, sib sib zog nqus sib txuas ntawm 100+ tus tsim qauv thiab 10+ hom.

Design Salon "Design Selection Circle" "Life Aesthetics Circle"
Tsis tas li ntawd, DDC muaj kev koom tes nrog Sina Home Furnishing, Casa Media, Design Gravity thiab lwm yam kev lag luam xov xwm, nrog rau cov koom haum loj hauv nroog, kom tsis tu ncua tsim cov khw muag khoom xws li "Design Selection Circle", "Life Aesthetics Circle" thiab "Tuowei Symbiosis Circle", txuas ntau tus neeg Designers thiab ntau lub tuam txhab muaj npe nrov tau koom nrog kev sib tham los ntawm kev lag luam xov xwm, thiab los ntawm cov channel xws li tus tsim tus kheej kab, tsim kev xam phaj, thiab lwm yam, los pab cov tsim qauv tsim lawv tus kheej IP, hais tawm kom zoo tsim, thiab ua kom zoo tsim pom.

DDC xav tank
Online thiab offline tsim ecosystem
DDC tsis tsuas yog tso tawm kev sib tham sib tham txog kev ua haujlwm rau kev ua haujlwm offline, tab sis kuj tau tshaj tawm "DDC Think Tank" online txhawb nqa platform hauv xyoo 2023. Los ntawm kev tsim lub platform online rau kev muab khoom thiab xav tau docking, tsim cov khoom xaiv, thiab kev pabcuam kev yuav khoom, peb txuas tau zoo heev. cov neeg tsim qauv thiab cov khoom lag luam los nthuav tawm cov khoom siv hauv tsev tshiab thiab cov qauv kev lag luam, thiab tsim kom muaj kev tsim qauv ecosystem uas sib koom ua ke hauv online thiab offline.
Cov rooj tog zoo · Ua hauv Dongguan
2023 Home New Media Conference
Nrog rau kev nkag mus ntawm lub xov tooj ntawm tes hauv Internet rau hauv peb txoj haujlwm thiab lub neej, thiab kev txhim kho muaj zog ntawm cov xov xwm tshiab, tus nqi ntawm cov channel hauv online thiab kev khiav tsheb tau dhau los ua qhov tseem ceeb. Lub 2023 Dongguan International Design Week tau koom tes nrog cov thawj coj xov xwm tshiab thiab cov koom haum kev lag luam e-lag luam los koom ua ke npaj thiab npaj 2023 Lub Tsev Xov Xwm Tshiab Hauv Tsev. Nws yog lub hom phiaj los tsim kom muaj kev sib tham platform rau cov kws tshaj lij xov xwm tshiab, cov tuam txhab, cov kws tshaj lij thiab cov kws tshawb fawb los tham txog kev txhim kho cov kab tshiab, txhawb cov neeg tsim khoom zoo tshaj plaws kom txav mus tom ntej, txhawb kev sib pauv thiab kev koom tes ntawm cov khoom lag luam thiab cov xov xwm tshiab, thiab muab cov xov xwm tshiab thiab Daren. muab cov saw hlau muaj zog thiab kev txhawb nqa kev lag luam.

Dongguan Furniture Collective Voice Working Conference thiab Dongguan Furniture Industry New Media E-commerce Development Summit
Lub Kaum Hli 25, lub rooj sib tham Dongguan Furniture Collective Voice Work Conference thiab Dongguan Furniture Industry New Media E-commerce Development Summit, tsim los ntawm Fang Runzhong, Tus Thawj Saib Xyuas Kev Lag Luam thiab Kev Lag Luam ntawm Guangdong Modern International Exhibition Center, tau ua tiav ntawm Famous Furniture Organizing. Pawg neeg. Hou Weijia, tus thawj coj ntawm kev lag luam e-lag luam ntawm Dongguan Municipal Commerce Bureau, Yang Gongzi ntawm Douyin lub koom haum MCN txhua xyoo Wuyou Media Group, Xiong Jiantao, tus thawj tswj hwm ntawm Tuam Tshoj Lub Tsev Furnishing Brand Alliance, thiab Dongguan rooj tog xws li Chuangyu, Huahui , Wanhengtong, Medi, Changshi, thiab Yuzhai Cov thawj coj ua lag luam thiab lwm tus tuaj rau qhov kev tshwm sim. Lub rooj sib tham xov xwm tshiab no yog lub hom phiaj hu rau Dongguan rooj tog tuam txhab lag luam los tsim ua ke thiab sib koom ua ke kom nthuav dav lub koob npe nrov ntawm Dongguan rooj tog kev lag luam.

Dongguan Famous Home Furnishing Live Broadcast Base yog tsim los nthuav tawm 2023 Dongguan Rooj Tog E-commerce Nyob Tshaj Tawm Festival
Thaum Lub Kaum Ib Hlis 10, Dongguan Zoo Furniture Douyin Txhawb Kev Sib Tham "Xauv Cov Tsheb Thauj Mus Los Los Ua Lag Luam Incremental" koom tes los ntawm Dongguan Famous Furniture Club, Douyin, thiab MCN lub koom haum Xinju.com tau ua tiav ntawm Famous Furniture Expo Park, thiab yog officially tshaj tawm thawj zaug. Dongguan Famous Home Furnishing Live Broadcast Base, thiab tshaj tawm 2023 Dongguan Rooj Tog E-commerce Live Broadcast Success, ua ib kauj ruam tseem ceeb ntawm kev tsim Dongguan rooj tog kev lag luam e-commerce ecosystem.

Raws li kev nthuav qhia thiab kev lag luam platform, Famous Furniture Fair yuav siv lub teb chaws tus thawj lub model ntawm kev nthuav qhia thiab kev lag luam kev koom ua ke - pem hauv ntej exhibition thiab rov qab khw muag khoom, pem hauv ntej khw thiab rov qab Hoobkas, qhib lub tsib-hauv-ib lub tsev rooj tog kev lag luam los ntawm kev tsim, kev tshawb fawb thiab kev loj hlob, ntau lawm, exhibition thiab luam. Cov saw hlau kaw lub voj thiab txhawb nqa txoj kev loj hlob zoo ntawm Dongguan rooj tog.
Dongguan nws tus kheej yog tuspeev ntawm cov khoom vaj khoom tsev thiab lub hauv paus loj ntawm cov rooj tog zaum. Nyob rau tib lub sijhawm, ntau lub tuam txhab khoom vaj khoom tsev paub zoo tau loj hlob hauv Dongguan, tso lub hauv paus muaj zog. Lub 51st Famous Furniture Exhibition hauv 2024 vam tias yuav siv qhov kev thov rov hais dua ntawm nws tus kheej lub rooj nthuav qhia thiab kev lag luam platform los koom ua ke 100+ cov tuam txhab rooj tog hauv zos hauv Dongguan thiab sib sau ua ke tshiab hauvDongguan los tsim "Dongguan Furniture Design Museum" nrog cov rooj tog zoo nkauj thiab cov rooj tog muag muag. Kev nthuav qhia ntau haiv neeg thiab fashionable ntawm cov rooj tog qhia txog kev tsim khoom zoo nkauj ntawm Dongguan rooj tog. Qhov no tsis yog tsuas yog cov rooj tog tsim tsim kev paub hauv chav, tab sis kuj yog "qhov chaw tsim kom muaj kev zoo nkauj." Dongguan Furniture Design Tsev khaws puav pheej, cia peb hais lus rau Dongguan rooj tog ua ke! Kho lub npe ntawm Dongguan Furniture ua lag luam daim npav!
Xyoo 2024 evolution
2024, Xyoo 2023, the kev lag luam ib puag ncig yog qhov tsis meej pem kiag li. Hauv 2024, kev lag luam xav tau kev txhawb nqa kev hloov pauv kev lag luam. Peb xav tau lub zog ntawm evolution kom paub txog qhov hloov kho dua tshiab ntawm kev lag luam. Nto moo rooj tog exhibitions yuav tsum tau coj lub high-zoo kev loj hlob ntawm kev lag luam. Los ntawm Lub Peb Hlis 15 txog rau 19th, 2024, kev ua tau zoo dua, muaj txiaj ntsig zoo dua thiab muaj tseeb kev lag luam exhibition - 51st International Famous Furniture (Dongguan) Exhibition yog npaj mus! Peb yuav coj txhua tus los hloov kho ua ke hauv cov kev cov nyom thiab cov cib fim yav tom ntej.

Post lub sij hawm: Jan-24-2024